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Online R - Advanced Topics in Regression

  1. Understand the simple linear regression model, the usage and the assumption
  2. Understand the method of least squares, know the least square estimate (LSE) and the properties of the fitted line
  3. Know the relationship between LSE and MLE under Normal model
  4. Know how to make and interpret inferences/predictions in Simple Regression
  5. Understand the difference between Correlation Model and regression model
  6. Apply graphic methods as well as formal statistical tests for studying the appropriateness of a model
  7. Understand the need for joint estimation and simultaneous inferences
  8. Be aware of the additional remedial measures to deal with unequal error variances, a high degree of multicollinearity, and influential observations.
  9. Apply the concepts to a specified dataset.
No application is required to register for this course.

Hardware Requirements: You must have a computer and some kind of high-speed internet connection – we recommend a 128mbps connection at a minimum. You should also have a headset, preferably with a microphone (you can purchase these for less than $30 at any electronics store), which will allow you to engage in online conversations with professors as needed.

Software Requirements: You will be required to have access to R. R is freely available open source statistical analysis environment. The first course in the online certificate program is an introduction to R. It includes information on downloading and installing R.
Course ID/# : 1885/UANA1014
Fee: $1,000.00

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