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The 70s in America, a Decade of Darkness and Light

ID : 42866   
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Many remember the 1970s as a decade of soaring inflation, political upheaval, and the erosion of the United States' prestige worldwide. But the significance of the seventies goes beyond high gas prices, Watergate, and Vietnam - profound changes to American politics, societal norms, and the nation's economy took root. This class will look at these issues as well as how these issues affected the average American family and everyday culture in the 70s.

Class Details

8 Session(s)
Weekly - Wed

KSU Center

Elsa Nystrom 



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/2/2025 - 5/21/2025 Weekly - Wed 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM Kennesaw, KSU Center  Map, Room: 174 Elsa Nystrom  ClassRoom