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Spanish is Fun! Part III

ID : 42856   
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This course covers selected components from Chapters 9-12 contained in Tercera Parte (Part III) of the Textbook (see Required Textbook below). Students will examine the names of various professions and practice expressing one’s and others' professions. Students will then study how to describe location and temporary conditions of people and things versus permanent traits of people and things.  The lesson will expand into a study of the present tense of ir verbs along with a study of expressing actions that are happening in real time. Students will study how to express dates as well as the months of the year.  Students will then identify celebrations and events that take place during specific months. Finally, specific components of Spanish/Latino culture will be examined and discussed.  Required Textbook:  978-1-63419-928—5  SPANISH IS FUN / LIVELY LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS (Book 1)

Class Details

10 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

KSU Center


CEUs : 2



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/10/2025 - 6/12/2025 Weekly - Thu 12:00 PM - 02:00 PM Kennesaw, KSU Center  Map, Room: 123 Xiomy  ClassRoom