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Spanish is Fun! Part II

ID : 42849   
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This course covers elements from Chapters 5-8 contained in Segunda Parte (Part II) of the Textbook (see Required Textbook below). Students will study numbers 0-30. The numbers will be practiced via selected areas of the textbook, in individual responses as well as group and partner activities. Students will then apply their knowledge of the numbers as they study how to tell time in Spanish.  Following a brief review of present tense ar verbs from Spanish Is Fun - Part I, students will study regular –er verbs in the present tense. The lesson will then explore colors as well as adjectives and opposites. The lesson will later proceed into a study of asking about and expressing another’s personality and character. Finally, specific components of Spanish/Latino culture will be examined and discussed.  Required Textbook:  978-1-63419-928—5  SPANISH IS FUN / LIVELY LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS (Book 1)

Class Details

10 Session(s)
Weekly - Thu

KSU Center

Nancy DeLisle-Brown 

CEUs : 2



Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/10/2025 - 6/12/2025 Weekly - Thu 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Kennesaw, KSU Center  Map, Room: 244 Nancy DeLisle-Brown  ClassRoom

Other Class Offerings

ID: 42615

01/08/25 - 03/12/25
Weekly - Wed
10 sessions.