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Bridge: Bid and Play the MODERN WAY

ID : 42837   
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Intermediate. This is a class for students wanting to improve their performance in modern competitive bidding and play. Popular conventions and play strategies will be covered. Topics will include: Overcalls, Cue/Control Bids, High Level Preempts, Roman Keycard Blackwood 1430, Jacoby 2 NT, Splinter Bids, and “Big” hand bidding. Textbooks: Marty Bergen’s “Points Schmoints!” and Barbara Seagram’s “Quizzes.” Students are responsible for the purchase of the textbooks. Both books are great fun and will enhance the student’s understanding of the class experience.

Class Details

8 Session(s)
Weekly - Mon

KSU Center

Reade White-Spunner 



Schedule Information

Skip dates: (No class on 05/26/2025)

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s) Instructional Method
4/7/2025 - 6/2/2025 Weekly - Mon 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Kennesaw, KSU Center  Map, Room: 222 Reade White-Spunner  ClassRoom